Abstract: Heavy Flavour Measurements with CMS
In relativistic heavy-ion collisions heavy quarks are expected to be produced in initial parton-parton interactions, and
can therefore act as probes of the hot and dense medium produced in the collision. Suppression
of quarkonia (J/Psi, Upsilon) production provides a possible signal of QGP formation. Suppression of heavy-flavour hadrons
or their decay products gives information on medium-induced rescattering and energy loss. Measurement of the nuclear
modification factor or the elliptic flow $v_2$ of heavy-flavour hadrons can also provide more information
on the behaviour of the medium. In this talk I will present the results of studies
into the capabilities of the CMS detector for measuring some of the preceding quantities in Pb-Pb
collisions at 5.5 TeV/nucleon at the LHC.